Losing my hair was incredibly difficult. After many bouts of sepsis, my body decided other things were more important. I was devastated. But through losing my hair I’ve discovered many new ways to express myself. From scarves to wigs and hats, the possibilities are endless!

I have a photoshoot coming up and it’s been difficult to cope with the fact that I’ll be doing it without the curls I lovingly cared for and maintained. However, I’m happy for the many options I now have.

One of my favorites is my head jewelry, bought from Amazon in a 1920s style, it adds bling and a touch of fantasy while fully allowing me to embrace my new bald head.

Another favorite is yarn wigs, they are super comfortable while still allowing typical hair styles, and even a princessy feel.

The scarves I once thought of as simple have opened many possibilities as well. I never would have known there’s so many options and ways to wrap your head.

If you’re also dealing with hair loss, remember this, you can be feminine, you can be masculine, you can be beautiful and creative and still have fun. Hair loss may feel crushing, but in reality it can also open up many avenues to express yourself!

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